News and Congratulations
The CTSC wants to send out a big round of applause for KL2 alumna Cori Green, MD, MSc, for being selected as CBS News expert contributor on childhood mental illness. She gave her professional thoughts on ways to improve recognition and access to care for children’s mental health problems by proposing competencies pediatricians should achieve to integrate mental health care into their practice.
Dr. Cori Green started her journey with the CTSC as a KL2 Career Development Award Scholar researching “Multi-Stakeholder Analysis to Prepare Pediatricians to Provide Mental Health Care,” showing her dedication towards the topic of pediatric mental health. Her mentors included William Trochim, PhD, Professor of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University and John Walkup, MD, Professor of Psychiatry at WCM. We are so proud of the amazing work Dr. Cori Green is accomplishing and cannot wait to see where her future endeavors lead her in the world of pediatric mental health and beyond.
Click here to view the video on CBS News Health Watch.
The CTSC KL2 Career Development Core Program supports junior faculty and senior residents and fellows by providing salary support, protected time, advanced degree training, and practical skills necessary to conduct interdisciplinary Clinical Translational Investigation within a team research environment.