The CTSC offers funding opportunities for pilot studies, community engagement, novel technology team and precision medicine research. RFAs for all award types are released on specific date each year and announced through the CTSC web site as well as broadcast e-mail at each of the partner institutions. Descriptions of the individual award types, as well as links to the latest request for applications and review criteria, are provided below.
Pilot Awards
Effective collaboration between basic and clinical researchers is the central engine for advancing biomedical innovation. The objective of the Pilot Awards program is to create opportunities for translational team research across disciplines and institutions, and between basic and clinical scientists and the community. Funding is provided for up to two years.
Priority is given to proposals with emphasis placed on drug discovery, targeted therapeutics, biomarker or device development and novel technologies, and research on LGBTI. Pre-clinical studies should have near-term potential to translate into patient- oriented research; clinical trials (phases I & II).
Pilot Award - Special Population Awards
With the aim of fostering collaboration among community organizations, CTSC institutions and affiliates, this award will emphasize special populations such as children, the elderly, vulnerable and disabled populations, and the LGBTI community, as well as health disparities research. Funding is provided for up to two years.
Pilot Award - Kristy Richards Precision Medicine
To target faculty members working in precision medicine pursuing studies that use behavioral and biologic measures to test feasibility for precision medicine therapy. Funding is provided for up to two years.
Community Engagement Award
The aim of the Community Engagement Award program is to foster research and collaborations focusing on community engagement which have a direct relevance to community health concerns. Funding is provided for one year.
Priority is given to proposals with strong community focus; a clear goal of facilitating the transfer of evidence-based practice; fostering collaboration between the community, CTSC institutions, and affiliates; comparative effectiveness and health disparities research; and research on LGBTI.