2025 Summer Intensive Fellowships in C/T Research for Medical Students RFA

Deadline Date: 
5PM on March 26, 2025

Applications must comply with eligibility and submission requirements

Missing or incomplete documents or information will disqualify your application for review

The CTSC Summer Intensive Clinical/Translational Research Fellowship for Weill Cornell Medical Students is an 8-week continuous, full-time program that provides medical students who are between the first and second year of medical school with an introduction to clinical translational research.  The program includes a summer research project conducted within the June to August timeframe, under the mentorship of any faculty member active in research at WCM or one of the other CTSC consortium institutions. The program also includes attendance at research seminars of the department in which the student is conducting research, completion of a CTSC C/T research workshop, a poster or oral presentation of the student’s project at the following year’s WCMC Medical Student Research Day, and a written work product (see Program Requirements below). The student's participation in this program is expected to qualify for Summer Research Elective Credit (SREC), but a separate application must be submitted for SREC using the Pre-Approval form.


The fellowship includes a stipend for the student in the amount of $2,500. The CTSC fellowship may be combined with a WCM Institutional Summer Research Award (IRSA) to give a total of $4,500. However, the student may not hold other concurrent funding support for the designated research project (e.g. federal or non-federal fellowships and awards), nor may the student receive combined total funding of more than $4,500.


Students who are between the first and second year at Weill Cornell Medical College are eligible to apply. Applicants must be US Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or Permanent Resident. Mentors must be faculty from WCM or one of the CTSC Partner Institutions (visit http://www.weill.cornell.edu/ctsc for further info).


  • 8 weeks continuous, full-time program. Research is conducted within the June-August time window and may not be conducted while Medical School classes are in session (with the exception of participating in a CTSC workshop.
  • CTSC Writing Workshop: Writing and Publishing High-Impact Research Manuscripts, June 25, 2025, 8:30am to 5pm. More details to follow.
  • Award recipients are required to present their CTSC research as an oral or poster presentation at the Fall 2025 WCMC Medical Student Research Day.
  • Scholarly Report: A report describing activities and accomplishments during the fellowship is to be submitted, using the SREC Final Approval Form, by the Medical Student Research Day.
  • Bi-Annual Progress Reports: recipients of NIH funding are required to submit progress reports. Subsequently, annual alumni surveys will be requested to track career progress and outcomes of past awardees.


To apply for the program, eligible students should first contact a faculty member who has a research project in their field of interest to serve as a mentor. The student and the faculty mentor should work together to complete and submit the application in the Electronic Protocol Authoring and Review (ePAR) system. The deadline for application is 5:00pm, Wednesday, March 26, 2025.


The applicant should note that the director of the sponsoring laboratory is responsible for identifying and obtaining all required reviews and approvals prior to initiation of the applicant's participation in research.  This includes oversight committee review (e.g., IRB, IACUC, IBC, RSC, ESCRO), permits (e.g., radioactive materials, select agents, controlled substances, import/export), safety or hazard training and/or registration.

The CTSC Summer Fellowship support can be supplemented by Federal Work Study. The CTSC Fellowship requires that students commit full-time to the research and training program for 8 continuous weeks for which they receive the fellowship support. Students should not have other major time commitments during this period. Please speak to Dr. Anthony Brown and My Linh Novotny should you have any questions.


A committee comprised of members of the CTSC administrative staff, WCMC faculty and the WCMC Director of Medical Student Research will review applications. Applications will be assessed with respect to the potential to provide medical students with a meaningful mentored research experience. Funding decisions will be announced in April 2025.

To initiate your application please use the link provided on this page to log onto the Electronic Protocol Authoring and Review System (ePAR) and refer to the Application Instructions below.

PDF icon  View Application Eligibillity and Instructions

Clinical & Translational Science Center 1300 York Ave., Box 149 New York, NY 10065