There is a critical need to train and advance the translational science workforce for healthcare professionals at all career levels. In 2007, the CTSC’s Clinical Translational Education Program was launched to train and develop the next generation of Clinical Translational (C/T) researchers. The CTEP umbrella encompasses a wide array of programs that contribute to the overall goal—to provide a coordinated education effort to facilitate high impact C/T research from bench to bedside, from bedside to the community.
The CTEP umbrella integrates degree programs, non-degree skills acquisitions and professional development workshops, and funding support for pre/postdocs and junior faculty. Our trainees have access to an expansive menu of clinical translational research services and tools and laboratory core facilities [insert link to Services and Tools page].
Whether you are a clinician, basic scientist, resident, fellow, nurse, medical, graduate student, or one of the myriad professional members of a C/T research team, you will find a program(s) to match your training goals.
We invite you to explore the programs offered and to contact us for more information. We look forward to working together to advance your C/T knowledge and skills to positively impact outcomes for finding cures to improve human and community health.