Are Columbia University and Rockefeller University included in the list of "CTSC Member Institutions?"
No, they are not part of the Weill Cornell CTSA award consortium; they have their own separate NIH CTSA grant.
I am a PI/Co-PI/Co-Investigator on a currently active CTSC Funding Award but it will be over by 6/30/24. Can I submit and/or be included in an application for the current RFA?”
Yes, because the new award would not start until 7/1/2024, at the earliest.
Can CTSC Funding Award funds be used for salary and fringe benefits?
Yes. Please see the guidelines under budget notes for costs that are NOT allowed.
I submitted a Funding Award in a previous application cycle but I did not receive an award. Can I re-submit the application?
Yes, but only if you have not already re-submitted it - each proposal is limited to one re-submission.
Do I have to use specific CTSC facilities if I receive a Funding Award?
No. Although use of CTSC facilities and/or cores by Funding Award-funded projects is desired and encouraged, it is not required.
CTSC KL2 and TL1 Award Program Funding
How do the KL2 Award and the TL1 Training Award Programs differ?
KL2 - The primary objective of the KL2 Career Development Award is to provide junior faculty, senior fellows, and residents and fellows in the Internal Medicine research pathway who have already earned a doctorate degree with protected time to pursue training and mentored research in Clinical and Translational Investigation.
TL1 - The primary aim of the TL1 Training Award is to expose pre- and early post-doctoral candidates to Clinical Translational research before their interests and paths are set, enabling them to move into Clinical Translational research early on in their careers. The program provides 100% protected time to pursue training in Clinical and Translational Investigation.
Do I qualify for the CTSC KL2 Scholars Award or TL1 Training Award Programs?
The CTSC KL2 Scholars Award is open to senior fellows, residents and fellows in the Internal Medicine research pathway, PhDs, Junior faculty (instructor or assistant professor), Nurses who currently hold DSN, DPT, or PhD degrees, all candidates must be US citizens or Non-Citizen Nationals, or Permanent Resident. All candidates must have a full-time primary appointment at WCM or a CTSC partnering institution and the ability to devote 75% effort (50% for surgeons) to the KL2 Scholar Award Program. No Scholar may hold two concurrent CTSC awards, no Scholar may be named PI on more than one active CTSC application. Individuals who were, or currently are a Principal Investigator on any NIH R01, R29, P01, K01, K08, K22, or K23 grant are not eligible.
Trainees supported under the CTSC TL1 Training Award may be pre-doctoral or early post-doctoral candidates seeking a research or health professional doctoral degree or its equivalent. Pre-doctoral candidates must have received a baccalaureate degree by the date of appointment. Individuals currently supported by other Federal funds are not eligible for trainee support from the T32 component. Medical students must obtain approval from the Weill Cornell Medical School Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Sibel Klimstra. This program is also open to graduate students in a doctoral degree, nursing candidates for DSN or DNP and Dental (DDS) and Pharmacy (PharmD) students.
Postdoctoral trainees must have received, as of the beginning date of the TL1 appointment, a PhD, MD, DDS, or comparable doctoral degree from an accredited domestic or foreign institution. Early post-doctoral candidates must be no more than 3 years removed from their terminal doctoral degree.
No individual trainee may receive more than five years of aggregate NRSA support at the pre-doctoral level or 3 years of support at the post-doctoral level, including any combination of support from institutional training and individual fellowship awards.
What if I am unable to meet the effort requirement (75% for the KL2 Programs or 100% for the TL1 Program)?
KL2 Scholars must commit a minimum of 75% effort (50% for surgeons) to the KL2 Program and its related training and research activities consonant with the NCATS guidelines during the award period (
TL1 Trainees must commit full-time (100%) effort to the TL1 Program and its training and research activities consonant with the NRSA guidelines during the award period (
Can candidates applying for a CTSA KL2 Scholar award apply for additional mentored K awards (i.e., K08 or K23)?
The trans-NIH policy stipulates that KL2 candidates may not apply or have pending an application for a similar mentored K award (e.g., K08, K23, etc.) simultaneously. However, once appointed as KL2 scholars supported through the CTSC, K Scholars may apply for NIH K grant support. If they are successful, they then move from one grant mechanism to the other.
Can I apply for a KL2 award if I have submitted an NIH K grant application but have not received a score or received a non-fundable score?
The KL2 and NIH mentored career development awards (e.g. K07, K08, K23, etc.) are geared for more junior candidates who are interested in developing academic and research expertise. This serves as a conflict for applicants wanting to apply to several K awards where the research training and didactic coursework are essentially the same. At the time of their appointments, scholars must not have pending an application for any other PHS mentored career development award that duplicates any of the provisions of the K component.
Therefore, someone who has submitted a NIH mentored career development award but has not received a score or summary statement may not submit a KL2 application until the funding status of that K award is known. Even if the candidate receives an non-fundable score, there may still be a pending decision. There is still a possibility that the grant may receive a recommendation for high program priority by CTEP staff, and the grant may be funded. Therefore, the candidate must be certain that a grant is non-fundable (it would be optimal to have that statement in writing.) If the NIH K grant is funded, then no KL2 application may be submitted, and if the NIH K grant is not funded, then an identical KL2 application may be submitted (assuming no other identical NIH K grant application has been resubmitted).
As a CTSC KL2 Scholar, can I receive concurrent sources of support?
At the time of their appointments, scholars must not have pending an application for any other PHS mentored career development award (e.g. K07, K08, K22, K23) that duplicates any of the provisions of the K component. Once appointed, K scholars are encouraged to apply for individual mentored K awards (e.g. K07, K08, K22, K23) and independent awards (R01, R03, R21); if successful, the KL2 appointment would be terminated and funding received from the new individual K or R award.
The NIH has a specific policy on receiving concurrent support as a PI of an NIH R01 and a K Career Development Award in the last two years of a K, which can be reviewed here:
As a former or current PD/PI on a NIH research grant, do I qualify to apply for the CTSA KL2 award?
Scholars to be supported by the institutional career development program must be at the career level for which the planned program is intended. In keeping with the type of mentoring and career development being provided by the CTSA, a KL2 scholar candidate who is already in the process of applying for an independent mentored career development grant, a P01 grant, or R01 grant is likely too senior for the KL2 award.
At the time of their appointments, scholars must not have pending an application for any other PHS mentored career development award (e.g. K07, K08, K22, K23) that duplicates any of the provisions of the K component.
Former or current PDs/PIs on any NIH research project grant [this does not include NIH small grants (R03), exploratory Developmental (R21) or SBIR, STTR (R43, R44 grants)] or equivalent non-PHS peer reviewed grants that are over $100,000 direct costs per year, or project leaders on sub-projects of program project (P01) or center grants (P50) are NOT eligible to participate as scholars.
Additional Information on Pilot Awards
- By May 2024, the applicant will be notified via email whether the proposal will be funded. Applicants selected for funding will be required to submit documentation for prior approval by the NIH. Funding is contingent upon submission of this information and failure to do so will result in disqualification.
- Upon receipt of all required post-award documents, the CTSC will prepare an award agreement. Once the award agreement is signed by the appropriate institutional business official(s), WCM Grants and Contracts will review and sign the agreement and notify the CTSC that funding can be released.
- To avoid significant delays in project initiation, investigators are strongly encouraged to submit IRB and/or IACUC protocols (if applicable) early . A copy of all approved documents will be required. Funding will not be released until all outstanding IRB/IACUC have been approved.
Budget Notes
- No funding from other sources can support this proposal.
- Funding can be used for personnel support, meetings, conferences, travel, or costs associated with generating/purchasing data sets.
- Funding for lab supplies is allowed only for supplies directly related to the CTSC Funding project.
- Funding for computing devices (desktops & laptops, tablets, notebooks, hard drives, etc.), as direct costs is allowable, if essential to the conduct of the project. Additional justification may be requested by CTSC.
- Funding requests for all items must be directly related to the project and be clearly outlined in the budget justification.
- Carry forward and no-cost extensions are not allowed
- Any anticipated financial transactions for goods/services with foreign entities requires sponsor prior approval
- Not allowed on Funding Awards- Telecommunication devices
- Membership fees or dues to organizations
- Maintenance agreements/repairs are not supported
- Foreign travel to conduct research is not supported. [Note : Foreign travel to present research is allowable]
- General lab supplies that are not attributable to the project are not allowed
- Office supplies
- Administrative and/or clerical salaries
- Personnel not working on the project
- Equipment
- General software (example: Microsoft Office or OneNote)
For WCM-salaried staff, if your project is selected for funding the ERF will be required before funds can be released to you.