News and Congratulations

The CTSC would like to congratulate KL2 Scholar alumnus, John Lee, MD, MSc, on his publication in Nature Communications. In an article titled, “Gut Uropathogen Abundance is a Risk Factor for Development of Bacteriuria and Urinary Tract Infection,” Dr. Lee and his team reported a connection between gut bacteria and the development of urinary tract infections. The research supports future studies on modulating the gut bacteria to prevent future UTIs.
Dr. John Lee was appointed a CTSC KL2 Career Development Award Scholar in 2012 and completed his research project on Intestinal Microbiota and Acute Rejection of Renal Allografts under the mentorship of Dr. Manikkam Suthanthiran, Chief of Nephrology and Hypertension at WCM. Since then, he has received K23 career development award and an R21 developmental award from the National Institutes of Health to further his studies on the microbiota in kidney transplantation. In 2017, Dr. Lee became the primary mentor for Nidal Sholi, one of our medical students in our summer fellowship program and co-authored a publication with them. Providing his expertise on translational microbiome studies, Dr. Lee has made an excellent mentor in this student's research endeavor.
The CTSC KL2 Career Development Core Program supports junior faculty and senior residents and fellows by providing salary support, protected time, advanced degree training, and practical skills necessary to conduct interdisciplinary Clinical Translational Investigation within a team research environment.