2014 Awardees

Award Type: Pilot

Pi: John Babich | WCMC | Radiology
Co-Pi: Maria Figueiredo-Pereira | Hunter College | Biological Sciences
Anastasia Nikolopoulou | WCMC | Radiology

Title of Proposal: Validation of molecular imaging probes for neuroinflammation in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease 


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Christopher Barbieri | WCMC | Urology
Co-Pi: Behfar Ehdaie | MSKCC | Urology
Co-Pi: Richard Lee | WCMC | Urology

Title of Proposal: Next-generation sequencing to discover novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Anne Bass | HSS | Rheumatology
Co-Pi: Eva Flores | WCMC | Medicine
Co-Pi: Alessandra Pernis | HSS | Research

Title of Proposal: Post-Operative Statin for Thromboprophylaxis & Cardiovascular Outcomes Protection (POST-OP) Pilot Trial 


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Emmanuel Dumont | Cornell Tech | Computer Sciences
Co-Pi: Jonathan Zippin | WCMC | Dermatology
Deborah Estrin | Cornell Tech | Computer Sciences

Title of Proposal: Novel wearable sensor to measure light and UV exposure 


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Kathryn Dupnik | WCMC | Medicine
Co-Pi: Warren Johnson | WCMC | Medicine

Title of Proposal: Early Transcriptional Changes in Peripheral Blood After Starting Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Erica Gomes-DaGama | MSKCC | Pharmacology & Medicine
Co-Pi: Gail Roboz | WCMC | Medicine

Title of Proposal: Development and Validation of Chemical Probes to Identify Oncogenic Hsp90 as a Biomarker for Hsp90 Therapy in Cancer  


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Ajay Gupta | WCMC | Radiology
Co-Pi: Tsuhan Chen | Cornell University | Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ruogu Fang | Cornell University | Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pina Sanelli | WCMC | Radiology

Title of Proposal:  Minimal Radiation Exposure Technology For Acute Stroke Assessment In CT Perfusion Using Sparse Deconvolution And Dictionary Learning 


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Disha Gupta | Burke Institute | Early Brain Injury & Recovery
Co-Pi: Catherine Lord | WCMC | Psychiatry

Title of Proposal: Training Selective Auditory Attention in People with Autism


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Bianca Harris | MSKCC | Medicine
Co-Pi: Eric Pamer | MSKCC | Medicine

Title of Proposal: Microbiota & Pulmonary Complications of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Justin Hill | Burke Institute | Neurology and Neuroscience
Co-Pi: Rajiv Ratan | Burke Institute | Neurology and Neuroscience

Title of Proposal: Barriers and novel therapeutic strategies for recovery in hemorrhagic stroke 


Award Type: Pilot

Pi: Jennie Ono | WCMC | Pediactrics
Co-Pi: Stephan Worgall | WCMC | Pediactrics

Title of Proposal: Sphingolipids and Pediatric Asthma 


Award Type: Community

Pi:  Cecilia Yoon | WCMC | Infectious Diseases
Co-Pi: Jeffrey Parsons| Hunter College
Lawrence Siegel | WCMC

Title of Proposal: Effectiveness and feasibility of an HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis program (PrEP) in a community- based primary care setting 


Clinical & Translational Science Center 1300 York Ave., Box 149 New York, NY 10065