All of Us Research Program [IRB00010472]

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to help researchers understand how environmental, physiological, and lifestyle factors influence overall health – by collecting participant provided information, biospecimens, and electronic health data records from over 1 million people in the United States. Creation of this large, comprehensive repository will allow future researchers to track participants’ health over time, and study the biological, social, and environmental determinants of health and disease.

Condition: Participant Provided Information (PPI), Electronic Health Records, Bio specimens (urine and blood sample)

Contact Name: 
Pankaj Patel
Contact Email:

Inclusion criteria:

  • Currently reside in the United States or a territory of the United States
  • Adults 18 years or older with decisional capacity to consent

Exclusion Criteria:

  • No informed consent
  • Prisoners at the time of enrollment

Clinical & Translational Science Center 1300 York Ave., Box 149 New York, NY 10065