CTSC ARCH Workshop
Topic: Clinical Trials, Chart Reviews, AI: Collect and Analyze Patient Data through ARCH
Thursday, September 26
11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
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This session:
Clinical trials, chart reviews, and AI all need patient data. In this session, Thomas R. Campion Jr., Ph.D., Chief Research Informatics Officer for WCM and Director of CTSC Biomedical Informatics, will describe how you can obtain data patient data through Architecture for Research Computing in Health (ARCH). Learn how to identify patient cohorts, extract comprehensive data sets, conduct surveys, collect novel measures, engage in multi-site studies, query big data resources, apply AI techniques, perform electronic consent, enable biobanking, and annotate novel data points from the EHR.
About us:
Architecture for Research Computing in Health (ARCH) is a suite of tools and services that ITS and the CTSC maintain. It is designed to help researchers safely and effectively use electronic patient data. CTSC ARCH Workshops are held on the last Thursday of every month.
Would you like to learn more about the ARCH suite of tools and services? Book a consultation with us or email arch-support@med.cornell.edu.
ARCH receives financial support from New York-Presbyterian Hospital (NYPH) and Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC), including the Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) (UL1 TR000457-06) and Joint Clinical Trials Office (JCTO).