2024 RFA: Funding Awards

Deadline Date: 
5PM on February 01, 2024
Funding Period for all awards: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026
NOTE: Awards funding is contingent on continued NIH CTSC Grant Funding


Up to $50,000 per year for up to two years (direct costs)

Create opportunities for translational team research across disciplines and institutions, and between pre-clinical and clinical scientists. This award can support clinical trials phases I & II. Emphasis is placed on drug discovery, targeted therapeutics, biomarker or device development, and life-course studies. Review of projects will prioritize scientific merit and proposed community engagement in research, as applicable.

Proposals Must Have

A minimum of two Co-Principal Investigators, representing different disciplines (see FAQ) from at least two CTSC partnering institutions (see FAQ) with a focus on translational and clinical research. The research should provide results that lead to NIH funding. Proposals focused entirely on basic (e.g. laboratory) science will not be accepted.


Up to $50,000 per year for up to two years (direct costs)

With the aim of fostering collaboration among community organizations, CTSC institutions, and affiliates, this award will emphasize special populations such as children, the elderly, vulnerable, and disabled populations, and LGBTI communities, as well as health disparities research. 

Proposals Must Have
A minimum of two Co-Principal Investigators from at least two CTSC partnering institutions and different disciplines (see FAQ) with a focus on translational and clinical research. Proposals focused entirely on basic (e.g. laboratory) science will not be accepted.


Up to $50,000 per year for up to two years (direct costs)

To target faculty members working in precision medicine pursuing studies that use genomics, behavioral, and biologic measures to test feasibility for precision medicine therapy including artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Proposals Must Have
A minimum of two Co-Principal Investigators from at least two CTSC partnering institutions and different disciplines (see FAQ) with a focus on translational and clinical research. The research should provide insights that could be generalizable to other projects. Proposals focused entirely on basic (e.g. laboratory) science will not be accepted.


Up to $20,000 per year for up to two years (direct costs)

Strong community focus with a clear goal of facilitating the transfer of evidence-based practice that focuses on collaboration between the community (general population), CTSC institutions, and affiliates. Emphasis should be placed on research in the following categories: health disparities, comparative effectiveness, and research involving LGBTI communities.

Proposals Must Have
A minimum of one researcher from a CTSC partner institution and one community organization (as Co-PI) or a minimum of two Co-Principal Investigators (different disciplines preferred) from at least two CTSC partnering institutions (see FAQ). The research should facilitate the transfer of evidence-based practice to improve community health.

Eligibility for All Awards

  • Representation by Key Personnel with salaried primary appointments from at least two separate CTSC partnering institutions, investigators from other CTSA institutions qualify
  • Co-investigators from other CTSA consortium institutions may be members of your team, if essential to the proposal success.
  • All applicants who have the academic rank of Associate Professor or above, must clearly describe in their research plan how their proposal represents a new research direction or is a novel derivative of their research.
  • No PI/Co-PI may have two concurrent CTSC awards.
  • No investigator may be named on more than one application.
  • Proposals cannot have existing funding support.
  • Only one re-submission for each application is allowed and must address the previous critiques.  Changing/switching PIs or Co-PIs or adding an institution without substantive changes is not a new submission.

1- Submissions MUST include names of three potential reviewers. These should be unbiased experts without any conflicts of interest.  If the suggested reviewers decline, or in the view of the CTSC are conflicted, PIs may suggest additional reviewers.
2- Certain protocols with significant human subjects’ involvement may be reviewed by Community Representative review, which will contribute to the overall funding score.
3- If the suggested reviewers do not agree to participate in the process, the CTSC will identify additional reviewers.
4- Please carefully consider which category you will submit your application under, as submissions will only be judged within the specific categories to which they are submitted. This year you have the option of requesting consideration in a secondary category if you feel your study meets criteria for more than one application type. If you wish to be considered for both a primary and secondary category, after you have completed your primary submission,  email Pankaj Kumar Patel at pap9083@med.cornell.edu with your secondary category.

GO TO "Notification of Intent to Submit an Application" .

This will register your intent to submit an application. After you complete the Notification of Intent, the system will instruct you on next steps for logging in to our Web-based ePAR system to complete your application. In completing your application, please refer to the checklist below.


Applications must comply with eligibility and submission requirements. Missing documents and/or information will disqualify your application for review.

Checklist for Application Submission (all awards)
A. Required Sections in ePAR

  • Protocol Summary Page (complete all fields)
  • File Biographical Sketches  - Upload as individual PDF files for all investigators. A project-specific biosketch using the NIH format is required.
  • Operational Markers in Translational Research

B. 3 Page Research Proposal (upload as PDF attachment in ePAR)

One PDF file with a maximum length of (3) single-spaced pages using no smaller than 11 point Arial font. The proposal must include the following sections:

  • Title, PI, Co-PI and Investigators (can use header space)
  • Hypothesis and Specific Aims
  • Scientific background, citing appropriate references
  • Significance of research (relating specific aims to future studies to be generated) and importance of funding to feasibility of the project
  • Research Plan (research team to be involved, study population if appropriate, methods, statistical analysis)
  • Description of how CTSC Funding will prepare the PI(s) to seek external support
  • Timetable for potential submission of grants for extramural support
  • References and supporting tables/figures (submitted on one to three additional pages)
  • Use a maximum of half a page to address:
    • For senior investigators: describe how this proposal represents a new research direction or is a novel derivative of your research
    • For resubmission: describe how you have addressed reviewers comments

C. Letters of Collaboration/Support (upload as PDF attachments in ePAR)

Required from Co-PI(s) and Co-Investigators in support of the PI; letter should describe in detail the individual’s planned role in project.

Additional Letter: If the Lead PI or Co-PI holds an Instructor appointment, a letter from their divisional and/or department head guaranteeing one or two years (to match length of award) of protected time for the applicant to complete the project is also required.

Do not submit a budget.

Here is some important File information and FAQ

Review of projects will prioritize scientific merit and proposed community engagement in research, as applicable.

Overview of process:

  • Use the link above to navigate to the notification of intent
  • Submit the notification of intent
  • Log in to WebCAMP
  • Complete all required application sections
  • Use the “submit” button to submit your application

You will receive confirmation that your application has been received. By May 2024 applicants will be notified via email indicating whether their proposals will be funded.


Pankaj Patel at 646-962-8154

Email: ctsc_pilot@med.cornell.edu

Clinical & Translational Science Center 1300 York Ave., Box 149 New York, NY 10065